File Formats Supported for Preview on Dropbox

Dropbox Allows Users to Preview Over 200 Different File Formats!

That’s right—Dropbox is like the Swiss Army knife of file previews, letting you check out everything from text documents to audio files. This means you can easily preview, comment, and interact with your files on your computer or phone without wasting time downloading them. Talk about efficiency!

Below is a detailed table of the file formats that users can preview directly on Dropbox. Just a friendly reminder: make sure your file size doesn’t exceed the limits below to enjoy the preview feature.

  1. Presentation File Formats
Format Maximum Size
.key* 288MB
.kth* 288MB
.odp 288MB
.ppt 288MB
.pps 288MB
.ppsm 288MB
.ppsx 288MB
.pptm 288MB
.pptx 288MB
.xd 1GB

2. Photo files

Format Maximum Size
.3fr 200 MB or 50 megapixels
.ai 256 MB or 50 megapixels
.arw 200 MB or 50 megapixels
.bmp 100 MB or 50 megapixels
.cr2 200 MB or 50 megapixels
.crw 200 MB or 50 megapixels
.dcr 200 MB or 50 megapixels
.dcs 200 MB or 50 megapixels
.dng 200 MB or 50 megapixels
.dwg (Dropbox Professional, Advanced, Enterprise, and Education accounts only) 100MB
.erf 200 MB or 50 megapixels
.gif 100 MB or 50 megapixels
.heic 100 MB or 50 megapixels
.jpeg 100 MB or 50 megapixels
.jpg 100 MB or 50 megapixels
.kdc 200 MB or 50 megapixels
.mef 200 MB or 50 megapixels
.mos 200 MB or 50 megapixels
.mrw 200 MB or 50 megapixels
.nef 200 MB or 50 megapixels
.nrw 200 MB or 50 megapixels
.orf 200 MB or 50 megapixels
.pef 200 MB or 50 megapixels
.png 100 MB or 50 megapixels
.ppm 100 MB or 50 megapixels
.psd 1024 MB or 50 megapixels
.r3d 200 MB or 50 megapixels
.raf 200 MB or 50 megapixels
.rw2 200 MB or 50 megapixels
.rwl 200 MB or 50 megapixels
.sr2 200 MB or 50 megapixels
.svg 48 MB or 50 megapixels
.svgz 48 MB or 50 megapixels
.tif 200 MB or 50 megapixels
.tiff 200 MB or 50 megapixels
.wbmp 100 MB or 50 megapixels
.webp 100 MB or 50 megapixels
.x3f 200 MB or 50 megapixels

3. Video

Maximum File Size: Under 100GB

Users can check out Dropbox Replay to increase the maximum preview capacity for video files and easily gather feedback from clients. (You can learn more about Dropbox Replay here.)


.3gp .3gpp .3gpp2 .asf .avi .dv
.m2t .m4v .mkv .mov .mp4 .mpeg
.mpg .mts .mxf† .ogv .rm .ts
.vob .webm .wmv


4. Compressed File

When previewing compressed files, users can view the contents within the compressed file or extract them.

Maximum File Size: Under 512MB


.7z .bz .bz2 .cpio .gz .iso
.lha .lz .lzh .lzma .rar .tar
.taz .tbz .tbz2 .tgz .tlz .txz
.tz .xar .xz . Z .zip


5. Audio

Audio files, when previewed, will feature a waveform interface.

Maximum File Size: 1GB

.aac .aif/.aiff .m4a .m4r .mp3 .oga
.ogg .wav .wma


6. Text

Files in this format will be displayed as text when previewed.

Maximum File Size: 8MB

.as .as3 .asm .aspx .bat .c
.cc .cmake .coffee .cpp .cs .css
.cxx .diff .erb .erl .groovy .gvy
.h .haml .hh .hpp .hxx .java
.js .json .jsx .less .lst .m
.make .markdown .md .mdown .mkdn .ml
.mm .out .patch .php .pl .plist
.properties .py .rb .sass .scala .scm
.script .scss .sh .sml .sql .swift
.txt .vb .vi .vim .xhtml .xml
.xsd .xsl .yaml .yml


7. Other files

The formats below will be previewed in text interface.

File Format Size Limit
.csv 40MB
.doc 160MB
.docx 160MB
.docm 160MB
.eps 256MB
.hwp 40MB
.numbers* 40MB
.ods 40MB
.odt 40MB
.otf 32MB
.pages* 40MB
.pdf 500MB
.ps 256MB
.rtf 160MB
.sketch 1GB
.ttf 32MB
.wpd 160MB
.xd 1GB
.xls 40MB
.xlsm 40MB
.xlsx 40MB


8. Website Shortcut

The formats below will be saved as shortcuts and previewed as websites (only the first page of the website can be previewed).

Maximum File Size: 10MB

.url .webloc .website


Why I cannot preview files on Dropbox?

If you encounter issues when previewing a file, it may be that the file format is not supported by Dropbox or is too large to preview. In Dropbox, files with one of the following extensions will appear as presentations in the preview:

You can also check this article for common error messages and solutions.